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Bichon Frise With Tongue Hanging Out

Bichon Frise Dogs - Great Choice For People With Allergies

Bichon Frise With Tongue Hanging Out
Bichon Frise

Bichon Frise Dogs - Great Choice For People With Allergies

The Bichon Frise breed is a small breed of dog. Bichon Frise usually weigh in at no more than 20 pounds and stand less than a foot tall. Bichons have soft, white, curly, fluffy fur, which is one of...

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Beagle Dog Running Tail Wagging

Beagle Dogs - A Popular Small Breed Dog Throughout The World

Beagles are a very popular breed of dog throughout the world, including in the United States. They are a small breed of dog, making them ideal for varied living environments. Beagles tend to be jus...

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Yorkshire Terrier Dog Running
Dog Breeds

Yorkshire Terriers (Yorkies) - Pint-Sized Bundles of Love and Joy!

Yorkshire Terriers are one of the most recognizable terrier breeds around. They are a small breed of dog, usually reaching no more than 9 inches in height and 6 pounds in weight. Yorkshire Terriers...

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Picture Grey Pit Bull
Dog Breeds

Pit Bull Dogs - Dangerous Breed or Misunderstanding?

Pit bulls are a popular and often misunderstood breed of dog. While pit bulls are considered a unique breed, they originally descended from breeding bulldogs and terriers together. The result is a ...

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Bulldog Puppy Sleeping
Bull Dog

Loyal and Loving, Bulldogs Make a Great Family Pet

Bulldogs are a very distinctive medium breed of dog. They are one breed that is not mistakable for any other breed. Bulldogs are very short and low to the ground, usually around one foot in height....

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Picture of a Pug dog
Dog Breeds

Is a Pug the right dog for you?

Pugs are an unmistakable breed of dog. Small and sturdy, they have a highly recognizable face. Pug faces are wrinkly, round, and feature big eyes that are usually accentuated by darker coloring. Th...

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German Shepherd Dog Lying Down
Dog Breeds

German Shepherd - Loyal, Smart and Obedient

German Shepherds are one of the most recognizable dog breeds around. A very common dog in the United States, German Shepherds are widely known to be loyal and smart. In fact, German Shepherds are m...

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Happy Pit Bull
Dog Breeds

Top 5 Reasons Why Pit Bulls Are The Best!

Lovable, affectionate, fiercely loyal and protective – these are just some of the words that describe what this wonderful breed of canine is. There are a lot of reasons that you can think of when y...

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Boxer Dog Laying Down

6 Reasons Boxers Are The Perfect Dogs

Other than the simple fact that boxers happen to be some of the most adorable and impossible to not absolutely fall in love with dogs, there are a number of reasons why boxers are the perfect dogs.

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